TANZANIA – backstage

In the previous post I introduced to you Moremi Africa as the main hero of the backstage, but there was a bit more of preparation required for this trip.
First of all, we had to get some vaccines stamped into the yellow WHO booklet and actually it was the first thing they checked before we even entered the airport terminal in Tanzania. Strangely enough, no vaccines are obligatory, they are only recommened, but somehow make the prerequisite to entering the country. We also bought anti-malaria pills just in case.
Secondly, Tomasz had to boost his photo equipment and he purchased a new zoom lens that you can see in the pictures. Probably he bought some more gadgets but didn’t even tell me about;-). And all from the best photo store in Warsaw called Pro-Club. Thank you guys!
The only thing we couldn’t buy in Poland was a bean-bag, but it turned out that Kisimbo has two in the jeep for the use of customers. And they have proved to be indispensable! 
What is more, we also had to buy clothes in the right colour – which basically means all the shades of green. It was a particular challenge for me as my wardrobe is literary limited to white, black, grey and denim. But shopping at the well-known Spanish chain shop was enough to let me blend with the African nature. Tomasz was actually very excited about safarii shopping and he really enjoyed buying the outfits from himself and definately took more effort in completing a very proper attire.
W poprzednim poscie przedstawilismy Moremi Africa bo ona to najwieksza czesc backstage’u. Ale poczynilismy rowniez troche innych przygotowan nim wyruszylismy na Safarii.
Po pierwsze, poszlismy sie zaszczepic i dostac pieczatki w zoltej ksiazeczce WHO. Zadne szczepienia nie sa obowiazkowe, pare jest conajwyzej rekomendowanych z zolta febra na czele, ale po wyladowaniu w Tanzanii okazalo sie ze zolta ksiazeczka z odpowiednia pieczatka to warunek konieczny aby w ogole z plyty lotniska wejsc do terminala. Ponadto zaopatrzylismy sie w wszystki znane Malerone- tabletki anty-malaryczne.
Po drugie, Tomasz postanowil doposazyc swoj sprzet foto i zakupil kolejny obiektyw z ktorym juz pozowal na jakims wczesniejszym zdjeciu. Mysle ze zakupil jeszcze pare innych gadgetow i nawet sie zonie nie przyznal. Ja juz wiem ze te chlopaki z Pro-Clubu to wszystko maja czego Tomasz zapragnie. Dziekujemy panowie!!!! No jedyna rzecza nie do kupienia w Polsce okazal sie bean bag ale na miejscu Kisimbo zapewnia nam az dwa na kazda strone dachu jeepa. Naprawde sa tutaj koniecznoscia na tych drogach.
Poza szczepieniami i sprzetem, musielismy sie rowniez zaopatrzyc w ubrania w 50 odcieniach zielenii;-). Dla mnie bylo to szczegolne wyzwanie gdyz moja szafa dopuszcza tylko czern, biel, szarosc i jeans. Ale zakupy w znanej hiszpanskiej sieciowce wystarczyly bym mogla sie jakos wplesc w tlo afrykanskiego buszu. Tomasz w przeciwienstwie do mnie bardzo sie cieszyl zakupem ubran na safarii i zdecydowanie dolozyl duzo wiecej staran w to by skompletowac dobry outfit.
Zobaczcie zreszta sami:



Well, just to make sure: all these safarii pictures are NOT taken with an iPhone!
*Basiu, thank you for sending the bars from Chicago😘


*special thanks to Caesar abd Flavio!!! It is such a useful gift that lets us go and enjoy!








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